I know that some dishes are simple to make without the Thermomix.
Sometimes the Thermomix can overcomplicate things but it can be handy when everything is cooked in the same bowl so you don’t have too many items to clean.
Now I’m trying to cook a new dish a month. This is to expand the food that the kids eat after having falling into a routine with the meals we make.
February’s dish was Alfredo Pasta.
What peaked my interest with this dish was:
- we had cream in the fridge that needed to be used up
- I didn’t need to clean the bowl in between steps
- pasta is one thing that the kids are guaranteed to eat
- I picked the first zucchini from the garden and wanted to make something with it

Now one of the unusual things about the dish is that cooking the pasta was done via steaming (varoma setting). I had never steamed pasta before but was interested to try it.
The pasta is rinsed first in cold water and the chopped up zucchini goes in the steaming basket with it.

Next, with the sauce (consisting of water, stock and cream) you cook the pasta for 20 minutes, which is longer than the 12 minutes it would have taken to boil.
You then take out the pasta and zucchini and keep them warm in the Thermoserver. Then add the cheese, milk and cornflour to the sauce and cook that further.
You pour it over the pasta and let it sit for 5 minutes before serving.
Mr Whimsy, Big Whimsy and Little Whimsy all had some for dinner and it was a hit for Mr Whimsy and Little Whimsy. Big Whimsy pulled a few faces but managed to finish the dish.

I probably would have preferred something else with it, either bacon or chicken, so we’ll try it again and see what the Whimsy family say.