
A Whimsy Life

I remember being a new mother …. It was a chaotic time adjusting to having someone completely dependant on you. Your body is recovering and learning to breastfeed and function on little sleep. Your mind is constantly worrying about what’s next and what you need to do. Your hormones are making you emotional and feel overwhelmed. Your heart is full of love for a new person.

With Mother’s Day fast approaching (Sunday 13 May 2018) there are all sorts of things being done to celebrate Mother’s Day.

From shopping centres offering competitions to win hampers, to specials on gifts and dining deals for the special day.

Western Sydney University is offering a different initiative – the Mother’s Day Letters Project. This is a special way to participate in Mother’s Day.

It encourages mothers to share their knowledge and experience with new mothers.

Becoming a new mother can be scary especially if you don’t have the support network around you to help you deal with the crazy hormones and the challenges that a newborn brings. Motherhood can make you feel blue as well as make you feel like a superhero.

This initiative is about supporting new mums and promoting resilient motherhood.

What do you need to do?

Mothers are asked to write about what and who they found particularly helpful during the first-year after birth, and why. It’s more than advice, the letters gather the best tips that got mums through, especially in those first few weeks.

Western Sydney University is taking the opportunity to survey mothers to enable researchers to identify exactly which strategies worked for new mums, alongside the best services and practical help to ensure mums experience the best start to their new life-changing role.

Researchers from Western Sydney University will then create a guide to help mothers.

All letters are strictly anonymous and the identity and details of the authors will remain protected.

For more information on how to take part and to read the letters head to the Western Sydney University website